I am Sachin Waghmare, I'm using the MPC5675KRM microcontroller and I am trying to implementing the eDMA with DSPI peripheral to transmit data over DSPI channel.
Kindly Send me any example code for implementing the eDMA and how to generate the auto generated code for implementing the eDMA with DSPI peripheral(MPC5675KRM microcontroller ) in code warrior version 10.6.
DataPatterns Pvt Ltd,
Mail ID: sachin.madhukar@datapatterns.co.in
Hello Sachin Waghmare,
We are properly addressing your issue: https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs/Re-Facing-issue-on-implementing-the-eDMA-with-DSPI-peripher... , are there any differences between this post and the one I'm posting?