We recently purchased a few OM27160A1EVK development kits. We are testing with the raspberry pi interface board and a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with a fresh install of Raspbian on it. We have followed the quickstart documentation, however, the demo application fails with "NfcService Init Failed Leaving...". Additionally, the Pi is unable to detect the device via i2c. "sudo i2cdetect -y -a -r 1" fails to display any device. "sudo i2cdump 1 0x28" also fails to work. We have also tried other devices, such as a Jetson Nano, as well as multiple development kits. No combination is able to be detected.
Hello Daniele,
I too am experiencing the same issue, despite having followed the documentation step by step. I noticed that the documentation references the following two interfaces: OM27160B1EVK, OM27160A1EVK
The one I have is: OM27160A1HN Are there any configuration differences for this model? Please, if there are any solutions, could I be informed? Thank you.
Hello Caputo,
See this case -> https://community.nxp.com/t5/NFC/OM27160-raspberry-i2c-NfcService-Init-Failed/m-p/1825250/thread-id/...
about the PN7160 versions:
A1 -> I2C
B1-> SPI
Hi @shoulihan
I would suggest you refer to below link: Easy set-up of NFC on Raspberry Pi
Though it is for PN7150, it should be very similar to PN7160
Hello, we would really appreciate any help any community member or NXP employee can provide. The quickstart guide is quite brief and simple, and the fact that it can't be followed on numerous OM27160A1EVKs, Raspberry Pis, etc. is worrying.
Sorry, did you solved this issue? I suggest you check the configuration file. I have rasperberry pi 4 board that works well with PN7160. could you please send me your configure file ?
Hello Daniel,
We appreciate your response. The instructions you linked appear to be an older (outdated) version of the instructions from the quickstart guide (https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12991.pdf). We have followed these instructions (for working with a Raspberry pi via i2c) from start to finish numerous times with various hosts, development kits, fresh installs of Raspbian, etc., and cannot get the demo app to work as shown in the guide. In our opinion, the fact the device is not detectable by the Raspberry Pi via i2cdetect or any other i2c utility makes it seem that there could be a deeper issue. From the documentation, we expect to see the device on i2c-1 at address 0x28, which is not the case.