My question is similar to the one here, but since it is not answered i'll ask mine here :
I would like to set configuration on Mirror, mirror page, AUTH0, PROT, CFGLCK, NFC_CNT_EN, AUTHLIM, PWD and PACK included in pages 41 to 44 of the NTAG213 memory. I've read all the datasheet of NTAG213 and the library user manuel in this source but I still can't find my answer.
For more detail : I want to set a password and have to connect to the data only if I have the password. The configuration that i want are described as followed and are in relation with chapter 8.5 for memory organisation of NTAG213 datasheet and 8.5.7 Configuration pages on the same document. I know exactly the configuration i want :
CFG0 :
CFG1 :
PWD : (my password)
PACK : could i have some explanation about that part ? i don't really know its signification.
Moreover I would like to use command from the NXPrdlib but i don't know what to use after reading it, i can load and store a choosen key (1234) but can't authenticate to ntag213 with a authcommand ...
Can someone help me finding function in c from the lib that i have to use ?
I suppose i can't change directly CFG0/1 and PWD the first time because i tried and it didn't work with phalmful_write() function.
Furthermore I don't really get the difference with Mifare Key that is 6 bytes long that is to say 2 bytes longer than phkey ... [A part is done in this source but it is not clear.
thanks in advance.