How can i read/write at block level (no NDEF) using PN7120?

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How can i read/write at block level (no NDEF) using PN7120?

Contributor I

Dear all

I'm using OM5577/PN7120S on Raspberry Pi, and different tag types (ISO15693 and ISO14443-2 / 3).

I'd like reading/writing sectors and blocks without NDEF format, but I can't find the way to do it by using Linux libnfc-nci stack.

Does anyone know of an example?

Thank you.

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1 Reply

Contributor I

I'm trying to do something similar.  Here's my objective:

We’re trying to build an NFC reader that can read the following ISO compliant NFC cards:

ISO 14443 A and 14443 B 

ISO 15693

HID ISO 15693


In these instances, all we’re trying to read is the Unique ID (UID).  Although in the future, we may have to read the secured section of these cards, at this time, we’re not interested in reading the secured parts of the card.  However, as I mentioned, we need to select a hardware that has the capability to read secured cards such as credit cards if needed in the future.

I believe PN7150 is the best product for this prototype, but not sure.  We can use Raspberry PI and Arduino or something else.

Can someone give some ideas as to what is the best approach with this prototype?  This prototype will be used for Public Transit in U.S.

Thank You,


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