Hi all,
I fail on the Simulink model generate a mot file to opensda virtual mass disk then blink 8 times repeat.
1. Make sure that the controller is powered up, all the jumpers are in their right place.
2. Flash the mot or an s32SDK example using S32DS.
3. If 2 is successfully, then try the indication from here HOWTO: Update OpenSDA Firmware on EVB , basically updating the OpenSDA firmware.
I checked 1. 2. and executed 3. successfully.
follow this topic
then try again putting mot file into virtual mass disk then keep led blink 8 times to repeat,
and show
ERROR 8195
Does any possibility to solve this issue??
Thank you
HOWTO: Update OpenSDA Firmware on EVB
Simulink Freezes With Build Command
Flash .mot (or .elf) file to S32K144 without building in simulink
Hello liu.madeon@inventec.com,
I was able to successfully flash the generated code on my S32K144EVB board via OpenSDA, so I assume something is wrong with your board. If reflashing the OpenSDA firmware is still not solves the problem, consider writing to Pemicro related to the error you are encountering.
Hope this helps,
Thanks your reply,
1. I check out the J104 on 2-3 and J107 on 2-3 again at right way.
2. here is MCU setup
3. I reflash the elf to mcu through opensda with hello project in s32ds example is works.(is same works with Multilink flash tool)
still put the mot file in opensda mass storage is 8 times blinking repeat.
Hello liu.madeon@inventec.com,
Well at least we know that the controller is up and running :smileygrin:
Now, since you flashed a model using OpenSDA as JTAG, I would try to reflash the bootloader on OpenSDA. Maybe it helps. If not, try contacting OpenSDA directly, maybe they know the code error you are encountering.
We can also try sending your generated code (mot) to me and I will test it on my board, or instead of flashing the hello world application, try flashing the generated .elf file of your project using S32DS, in order to be sure that is not from the generated code.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for your reply,
like the first post I say, after check firmware flash to MCU through SWD with muiltilink , I reflash the bootloader and application on opensda successfully, and paste the mot file in opensda mass storage is still failed.
OK I am going to pass the question to PEmicro. Thank you.
Madeon Liu
Let's check the generated code on my board. Please just generate any NXP example from Toolbox, a gpio example would be great, and attach the .mot here. I will try to flash it on my board over OpenSDA.
Hello liu.madeon@inventec.com,
If you have already tried the above suggestions and the jumpers are in the right positions (you can check them in https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/quick-reference-guide/S32K144EVB-QSG.pdf @ page 5) you can more try the following:
1. Make sure the target in the Simulink model Config Block is S32K144 and not any controller and the flash size is the right one.
2. You can try to flash a blinking LED or even the generated elf file of your project, but using the S32 Design Studio because it will use directly the OpenSDA as JTAG.
Hope this helps,