Hello NXP expert,
I have some difficulty when using MBD tool box with external .c/.h file. It failed to build, I am using Matlab 2017b. The Matlab team don't think its their issue. Please "Run"/"Build(Ctrl+B)" the attachment file. It failed when building. I try to clean up folder and rebuild, it still doesn't work. It seems something goes wrong when I add additional .c file. Normal Run is fun without error. Did I miss anything?
Hi ruicui,
Have you use the ***_user_copy_required_files.m to copy the custom code into the ***_rtw folder prior of starting the building procedure ?
Please have a look at this hint: https://community.nxp.com/message/985284?commentID=985284%23comment-985284#comment-900775
Also, if you do a search on community you will find examples how to do that: e.g.: https://community.nxp.com/thread/450048 \
Hope this helps!