I have designed a NXP S32k144-based PCB, and I need to know if there is a programmer board that contains OpenSDA so that I can upload a Simulink model to my PCB.
Any ideas?
Using the USB Multilink probe https://www.pemicro.com/products/product_viewDetails.cfm?product_id=15320180&productTab=1/West Penn Power Customer Service You can use one of the USB Multilink probes compatible with ARM devices here. For now, you cannot use it directly from Simulink, so you have to take the generated .elf file and flash it with the S32DS, but we will add such support in the near future.
Thanks a lot for the reply. I will try the suggested solution from your link.
Hello @Yannalnawafleh ,
I don't if there is any dedicated external OpenSDA board, but what you can do is modify an S32K144 evaluation board to behave as an external probe just like is described in this thread: https://community.nxp.com/t5/Model-Based-Design-Toolbox-MBDT/MCSXTE2BK142/m-p/1078629
There are also two more options:
1. Using the USB Multilink probe https://www.pemicro.com/products/product_viewDetails.cfm?product_id=15320180&productTab=1 You can use one of the USB Multilink probes compatible with ARM devices here. For now, you cannot use it directly from Simulink, so you have to take the generated .elf file and flash it with the S32DS, but we will add such support in the near future.
2. Another option is to use the USB2Serial converter to download the code via Serial. But still, you have to first flash the bootloader inside the MCU using a JTAG probe, and to have available on your design the same UART serial connection on the S32K144 EVB to the OpenSDA.
Let me know if one of the above options fits your needs and if you have other questions as well.
Hope this helps,