After integrating with Simulink environment, unable to build project.
Please find license file used and also error message.
As per the suggestion, i downloaded the s32k144 package and convert it to the .mltbx package but it is not working
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for your response, i have generated free license. But i cannot use it with Simulink as it is throwing me an error.
Can you please let me know what can i do? I also referred previous thread to understand why the license issue is popping up. But it did not help me.
Hello @Nikhiladheesh,
My guess is that the license is not installed in the right location, or the name is not right. To investigate, please run the following command inside the MATLAB's Command Window:
winopen(fullfile(mbd_find_s32k_root, 'lic'))
This will open a window in which there should be the license file, typed exactly like this: "license.dat" or "license.lic".
license.dat format worked now, license.lic was not recognised.
You can generate the free license and access training & support on NXP Model Based Design Toolbox Community.