I was looking for an I2C block in the MBD Toolbox, but I can't find one. I was pretty sur it was supported as I read it on the main presentation of MBD Toolbox :
Model-Based Design Toolbox|NXP
I'm using a MPC5744P, is there a trick to find an I2C block ? Or the I2C block doesn't support this µC ?
Tanks for your time,
Regards, Adrien.
Thanks for your quick answer :smileywink:
I will use SPI for my project, but indeed, an I2C block would be great !
Regards, Adrien.
Hello adrienpol,
Unfortunately, we do not have I2C support in the latest release of MPC574xP MBDT. We do however have SPI or UART, if that helps (see examples uart_model_pnt or dspi_model_pnt). We will add I2C support in a future release, but I can not say at this point in time when it will become available.
Hope this helps,