I am designing a custom hardware(MPC5744P) compliance with MATLAB Target Hardware. I bought a DEVKIT-MPC5744P. Thanks to On-Board Debugger(OpenSDA), I am able to directly program DEVKIT-MPC5744P from MATLAB Simulink via the "Build Model" button. As I understood, in this scenario, programming toolchain is;
But I don't want to add the Onboard debugger to my custom hardware.
I programmed indirectly MPC5744P with this toolchain;
But I can not program directly MPC5744P via MATLAB Simulink without On-Board Debugger. I want to establish a toolchain like below scenarios to programming my custom hardware;
Thanks in advance.
custom hardware
rappid boot
from uart
Hello scbicer@gmail.com,
Thank you for your interest in using MBDT on your custom board!
First of all, the RappID Bootloader is a serial/UART bootloader that must be flashed with the S32DS using JTAG (for DevBoard the onboard OpenSDA is used as JTAG). Once the RappID Bootloader is flashed on the board, Matlab sends the mot via Serial directly to the board.
For the scenarios you mentioned:
MATLAB Simulink Model -> RAppID BootLoader Tool -> USB -> external On-Board Debugger(MK20DX128VFM5) -> UART/JTAG -> Target MCU(MPC5744P)
- Does NXP have an external debugger with OpenSDA compliant DEVKIT-MPC5744P rev.E Schematic?
- If we make our own On-Board Debugger(MK20DX128VFM5) for using externally, How can I find OpenSDA software(compliant DEVKIT-MPC5744P rev.E Schematic) to program own On-Board Debugger? Could you please share it?
The role of the RAppID bootloader is to flash the .mot generated file on the board using UART/CAN. It is just a bootloader, not an actually debugger. On the Rev E board, when the RappID bootloader is used to deploy the mot on target, OpenSDA acts as an usual USB2Serial. So basically if you leave the PB2/PB3 pins outside on your custom baord (please check the schematic before make the board) you can program the mcu using RappID Bootloader using any USB2Serial device. The same is applied for CAN too but there are other pins there.
The firmware from the OpenSDA can be found here PEmicro | Experts in Embedded tools for Flash Programming and Development
MATLAB Simulink Model -> RAppID BootLoader Tool -> USB -> external COTS Programmer/Debugger(P/E Micro etc.) -> JTAG -> Target MCU(MPC5744P)
- Which COTS programmer/debugger is compliant with OpenSDA to program directly over MATLAB Simulink to my custom hardware via UART or JTAG?
The mcu can be flashed without RappID Bootloader, by downloading directly the elf/mot file generated via JTAG from S32DS. Unfortunately, you can not download the generated code directly from Matlab via JTAG. But you can get the .elf from the generated code file and flash it using S32DS via JTAG. Any probe from the PEMicro can program the board.
Hope this helps,