Torday,I use the GFLIB_AtanYXShifted in NXP_GFLIB of Motor Control Development Toolbox for MPC564xL v1.3.0,but the answer is not accordance with the file of MCLIB_MPC564xL_rev_0_91,but the simulation is not the same as the discription of MCLIB_MPC564xL_rev_0_91 ,in the MCLIB_MPC564xL_rev_0_91 file ,the 3.9.8 Code exzample discribe the " Output angle should be 0.138888889 rad ",but i simuliated that the result is 0.6923,and i built a model,as the content in MCLIB_MPC564xL_rev_0_91 file ,the content :
the model shows that:
the result is 0.4363 ,and the result is not the same as 0.6923,shows as follow:
the model above ,the parameter is the same as the exzample :
The attachment is the model.
I thought the GFLIB_AtanYXShifted is calculated as follow,
the return is the ,my thought is right or not? Now,i don't know how to do!
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已解决! 转到解答。
Hi Eden Li,
As mentioned in the other thread About the acos and square module in the Motor Control Development Toolbox for MPC564xL v1.3.0 we have a newer library version AMMCLIB RTM release v1.1.8 (available for evaluation purposes via web that you should try.
In this particular example the documentation contains an error. The expected results is 0.69228911 rad as the result computed by the Simulink model.
Please download the library and refer to Reference Manual. You should see:
Hope this helps!
Hi Eden Li,
As mentioned in the other thread About the acos and square module in the Motor Control Development Toolbox for MPC564xL v1.3.0 we have a newer library version AMMCLIB RTM release v1.1.8 (available for evaluation purposes via web that you should try.
In this particular example the documentation contains an error. The expected results is 0.69228911 rad as the result computed by the Simulink model.
Please download the library and refer to Reference Manual. You should see:
Hope this helps!