I am facing the following error with the boot loader on S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture for flashing the image MPC574xP_S32DS_UART1_CAN0_OpenSDA.rbf on the MPC5744P board (To be able to download the applications from MATLAB/Simulink).
I already could flash the boot load for one board, however I found the error when trying to flash the boot loader in the second board, using the same configuration and the same computer.
What could be happening?
Any news here? Got the same problems with 4 out of 10 boards.
I am only using the onboard debugger, so i can't change the default frequency to anything else than 5000. Due to some community information i tried to debug the problem a bit further. What i found so far:
I got similar errors when try to debug an example project from S32mDS PA V2.1+ SDK3.0.3, i have updated everything. I found that shift frequency is gray color and always 5000khz , it is not changeable in debug configuration menu, how to change this setting to make frequency slower?
Hi Rafael,
In general, the message "Error in ONCE status register during instruction execution" means that the connection between the P&E interface and the MPC5744 chip has been lost during the download process due to multiple possible causes like:
Are you able to create and debug a simple stationery MPC5744P project on this board using the S32 Design Studio? Can you confirm that normal debugging works ?
If S32DS is not working, then please give a try with PKG MPC55xx/56xx/57xx & STMicro SPC5 Development Package | PKG MPC55xx/56xx/57xx & STMicroelectronic...
If none of the above works then you might have a broken evaluation board that need to be replaced.
Hope this helps!
Hello Daniel,
I just followed the steps, but it doesn't work.
Probably it should be a bad hardware, because I could work with two other boards, but just one had issues.
Thank you for the support.
I got same errors when i am trying to debug some examples from S32DS PA +SDK3.0.3, and everything up to date, all examples failed on debugging. I tried to flash an old successful project's .elf file , the devkit board works very well. the debug configuration , debug shift frequency is gray color, how to change the default 5000k down to a lower speed?