Recompile the MQX

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When I try to recompile the bsp_twrk60n512 using CW10.4, sometimes it can find gs_prv.h file but sometimes it complains that can not open gs_prv.h file.
It happens randomly.
Any ideas about this?
Thank you.

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such a file doesn't exist in Freescale MQX. It seems you're trying to work with Gainspan patch for MQX 3.7 but you don't tell us this information. Are you trying to build MQX 3.7 with CW 10.4 ?
When you get "can not open" error message, how do you solve the problem to continue your work ?

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Sorry for not clarifying it.
Actually, I am trying to work with Gainspan patch. One of your engineer send me a patch for MQX3.8.1
When I try to recompile the MQX, it gives me error. I did check the gs_prv.h file, it is under \mqx\source\io\enet\gs