Problem adding a USB task to MQX

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Problem adding a USB task to MQX

Senior Contributor I

I have posted similar questions to the Kinetis community at large, but feel that it may be more related to MQX, so I'll ask here. This is all related to the combination of KDS, KSDK, and MQX on a FRDM-K22F platform.


I tried to generate a USB application using PE. It compiled cleanly, but would hang when it ran. The ticket can be found at _usb_khci_task_create() does not return. I am not familiar enough with MQX and the K22F51212 to work at the register level, but it appeared to me that when generating the USB task, MQX would access illegal memory.


Since my effort was to take the example in C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.1.0\usb\example\host\msd\msd_fatfs\sdk\kds\host_msd_fatfs_frdmk22f_mqx and replicate it at a different location, I made another effort. Once again, it would compile but not run. This is described in How to move from a FRDM-K22F demo to a new application. Although the point of failure is not exactly the same, the symptoms are very similar.


I'm attaching my latest attempt in the hopes that someone can help me out. I would be appreciative if someone would show me the error of my ways.



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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
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Senior Contributor I

Neither of these references were of any help. The problem described here seems to be specific to MQX and how the project is set up.

For example, if you f go to How to move from a FRDM-K22F demo to a new application and follow that through to the brutal end, that process is successful. However, some parameter within the project definition has been copied over in this case. However, when generating a new project by either of the processes described in the original post, this "magical" parameter is omitted.

Since my latest attempt (via How to move from a FRDM-K22F demo to a new application) worked and I now have an MQX based USB host project that works without dependence on the KSDK file structure, and pursuing this particular topic is beyond my abilities (and time), I am allowing this to remain only as a reminder of a problem within the KSDK package.

If Freescale wants to address the hobbyist, or low end, market, this type of issue will need to be resolved before there is wide acceptance of their methodology.

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Senior Contributor III

Hi David,

What is the status of this - were you able to get the application running? 


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Senior Contributor I

Hi Myke,

Thanks for following through. I got very frustrated with the situation and tried various things. Eventually I found a way to migrate a project out of the KSDK framework and get it to run. Ever since then my focus has been on expanding that project and it has gone well.

After some time working on a different project, I am back to working with the K22 and found that the upgrade to SDK 3.1 and KSDK 2.0 has gone through. Since their focus is now on the FreeTOS implementation, I am working on migrating toward that. I will have to go through the process again. So far I like what I have seen.

My original post was about using the PE to add features/capabilities. Needless to say, I abandoned that effort long ago. I liked the idea behind the PE, but I found that it insulated me too much from the hardware level too much. (That's where Iive.)

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