My platform is RT1052 and runs MQX V5.2 on it. I tried to copy files between SD card and USB which both install MFS on it with attached script file CP_FILES.TXT and shell commnad "sh CP_FILES.TXT". The general idea is to copy some files from USB to SD card and then copy them back from SD card to USB, then I tried to compare the files in USB to verify whether they are same. Unfortunately I found some files are different while some are same. The result that which files are same and other are different is random. Also there are only partial difference in those different files. See the attached pictures from beyond compare tool.
Does anyone meet this issue before and is there any solution to fix the issue?
Best regards
Hi @WilliamLiSH
MQX v5 is under commercial license. I would suggest you contact mqxsales@nxp.com for support.