My name is ouxinxin, I come from Guangzhou of china.I buy MPC5645S-DEMO-V2 Development Board in
order Number:499342
order date27-OCT-2016
Question one:
I get the demo board in 08-November-2016, and Follow these steps as the picture below. LEDs D8 and D12 is turn on, but the TFT have not any graphic animation, just display white screen(please see the photograph),why?
Is there no program in the SPC5645S ?
Question two:
The order have One CD-ROM ,but only include CodeWarrior Development Studio in it.I can’t find any examples of SPC5645S, how can I get the examples of SPC5645S such as drive TFT example, CAN example ,Boot Loader example?
(I have not use 5606S before.)
How can I get more detailed information and examples about demo board?
We are expecting a reply, thank you!
The MPC5645S-DEMO-V2 should be preinstalled with demo application, but once you erase the flash you lost it.
We provided a free graphics drivers library with the MPC5606s evaluation board. The library covers a lot of animation functionalities. It comes complete with:
- Step by step guides
- Extensive documentation and lab examples with complete code
- Tools for using images and text fonts from a PC in an embedded application.
- Compatible both with MPC5606S and MPC5645S
So I am attaching the graphics drivers library and MPC5645S_demo example into this thread.
Once you have the libraries installed, you can unzip the file CW_MPC5645S_Demo.zip into …\MPC56xxSLibsV2_0R46\ppc
The demo example is done in CW 2.10. If you do not have it in your CD-ROM you can download evaluation version from http://www.nxp.com/products/software-and-tools/software-development-tools/codewarrior-development-to...
BR, Petr
Hi Petr Stancik,
Thank you very much for your response.I think my Demo-Board may be forgotten to preinstalled with demo application.The Demo-Board is working (graphic animation run on the TFT ) after I update the program with CW_MPC5645S_Demo.But it cost about 4~5minutes update the program once(I used the USB:J2).How can I save more time for debug the program?
The examples of MPC5606S can't run on the Demo-board.And I can't find other examples for MPC5645S after the libraries and CW2.10 installed.Can you provided more examples for MPC5645S such as MPC5606S?
Thank you again!
To speed up the downloading use external JTAG interface, like P&E USB Multilink etc.
Unfortunately we do not have more graphics examples for the MPC5645S-DEMO-V2 board. But you can use the Demo example as the template and create new based on MPC5606S labs examples.
BR, Petr