Hi all,
I am currently using MPC5777C Evaluation board and i configured CAN for FlexCAN B,C and D how do i test it in Evaluation board. (FlexCAN c and d) as only two Can Transcievers are there on the board
Also how do i test MCAN ??
I am using Vector VN1640A for Testing
Thank you
Michael JIhan
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if FlexCAN C and D signals are connected to port pins on motherboard, you can simply remove J32 and J35 jumpers and connect FlexCAN signals directly to the transceivers.
You can find several MPC5777C examples for FlexCAN and MCAN on https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-329623
BR, Petr
if FlexCAN C and D signals are connected to port pins on motherboard, you can simply remove J32 and J35 jumpers and connect FlexCAN signals directly to the transceivers.
You can find several MPC5777C examples for FlexCAN and MCAN on https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-329623
BR, Petr