Hello ,I am doing some small stuff using SPI for that reason , I wanted to test my SPI channel is working or not . I am using NXP 5744 controller .Can anybody help me to get a piece of code which I can test(mater-slave) my SPI channel is working or no
Hello ,I am doing some small stuff using SPI for that reason , I wanted to test my SPI channel is working or not . I am using NXP 5744 controller .Can anybody help me to get a piece of code which I can test(mater-slave) my SPI channel is working or not (I have MCAL layer with SPI enable )
The S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture includes 2 demo examples that’s shows communication between 2 DSPIs modules. Examples are called SPI_MPC5744P and SPI_DMA_MPC5744P. You can refer to them.
BR, Petr
I have initialized the SPI and call the function where I am just triggering the spi transfer but I am not able to see any data in the logical analyser .though I am getting transfer success call back .
Controller used : nxp 5744 , DSPI3 in master mode
static uint16 u16SpiAnswer = 0u;
static uint16 u16BufToSend = 0xAA55;
Spi_SetupEB(SpiConf_SpiChannel_SpiCh_MasterUnit, (const Spi_DataType*) u16BufToSend,(Spi_DataType*) u16SpiAnswer,((uint16)1));