What is the average DMIPS of MPC5554 @132MHz?
While the MPC5674F datasheet notes 5674F can run up to 264MHz/600 DMIPS .
Hi, according to certain marketing materials, I have noted following numbers:
MPC5554 - 210MIPS
MPC5676R - 818DMIPS
MPC5674F - 600DMIPS
MPC5644A - 300DMIPS
How to calculate the MIPS performance for e200z6 / e200z7?
I would like to note, we don't have any public document that would seriously compare devices each other in relation to their Dhrystone MIPS performance. These values are only for rough orientation, they are taken from marketing materials (factsheets and so on).
However mentioned values consider running at highest available frequency, executing code from cache, accessing only cache data. Overall performance depends no many factors.
The e200z6 is single-issue,this means the "Instruction/Control Unit" only dispatch one 32-bit instruction to "Execution Units" per clock .So I think the value of DMIPS should less than the frequency.But,the MPC5554 can up to 210 DMIPS@132MHz,please explain it.
Or,is it wrong for me to understand "single-issue"?
Meaning of DMIPS is not "milion instruction per second", it is just benchmark value:
The meaning of single issue you understands right. I could recommend to see following presentation:
Thanks for your answers.
Best regards