* Detailed Description:
* Example shows MCU's temperature measurement using internal temperature sensor.
* After basic initialization, the code initializes and calibrates eQADC, reads
* test flash content and performs all necessary ADC measurement to calculate die
* temperature. Results are then displayed in the terminal window.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW: XPC567XKIT516 - MPC5674ADAT516 Rev.C, MPC567XEVBFXMB Rev.B
* MCU: PPC5674FMVYA264
* Terminal: 19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A
* Fsys: 264/200/150/60 MHz
* Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32
* Target: RAM, internal_FLASH
* EVB connection: default