MCUXpresso for VS Code Extension Release v1.5.85
02:39 PM
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NXP MCUXpresso continues to focus on improving your developer experience. In 2023, NXP introduced MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code (VS Code). An extension created by NXP to assist our customers who preferred to work with VS Code. The extension is the quickest way for developers to get started with a project.
You will find the following highlights:
1. Application Code Hub
The NXP Application Code Hub contains example projects developed by engineers working at NXP. The projects show how to use different features of NXP devices for solving requirements of popular applications.
Take a moment to evaluate how this new resource is integrated with VS Code.
Click on "Application Code Hub" found in the Quickstart Panel.
You can quickly find interesting examples by using the filters: NXP products, technology, peripherals, keywords
Import the application to your workspace and begin evaluating!
2. Remote Archive SDK Import
Customer feedback to NXP stresses that developers love how easy it is to find SDK support for a single NXP Eval Kit within an IDE. Now NXP adds this popular feature to VS Code.
You now have flexible SDK options:
3. Install an MCUXpresso SDK already local to your workspace
See for yourself how intuitive it is to add MCUXpresso SDK support in VS Code:
Click Import to have your desired SDK available for development
3. Project Import from MCUXpresso IDE
NXP's MCUXpresso IDE has been downloaded by over 280,000 customers. These engineers have come to expect an excellent IDE experience as a result of selecting an IDE provided by NXP.
Interest in MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code has been very strong. With that, the number one support question has been:
Can I evaluate VS Code by importing my existing MCUXpresso IDE project?
The NXP IDE development team has greatly improved the ability to import existing MCUXpresso IDE projects into VS Code. The v1.5.85 release addresses many of the migration issues reported on the public support forum: NXP Community: MCUXpresso for VS Code.
We encourage you to test the newly improved VS Code Project Import Wizard to convert your favorite NXP Microcontroller project. Visit the community to check for any known limitations, but then post feedback based on your own experience.
Test the new Project Import conversion of MCUXpresso IDE projects:
Click Import to convert your MCUXpresso IDE project into a VS Code project
You may be encouraged to know the NXP development schedule for the MCUXpresso extension:
- Patches: Monthly bug/usability improvements
- Minor: Semi-Annual feature introductions and bug/usability improvements
- Major: When a Technical leap warrants a new major version
NXP is excited to bring the best possible development experiences to our customers. Take time to provide your feedback below. What do you like about the MCUXpresso for VS Code extension? What constructive improvements would you like to see in the future?
Kyle Dando
MCUXpresso Ecosystem Team
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