Dear NXP TechSupport,
Let me say thank you for your times to get my request for now.
We are creating big project following Matter open source (project-chip/connectedhomeip ) base on Hardware NXP K32W061.
The first of all, we are try to build and run lighting app example on NXP K32W development kit but have been stuck.
Please help to get summarize content as below:
Lighting app demo (BLE - Thread):
a. Topology:
- NXP K32W061 development kit (Lighting app example)
- Raspberry Pi4 (open thread border router)
- USB dongle OM15080 K32W (RCP mode)
- Ubuntu’s PC (Matter controller)
- Have you have any experience to bring-up Matter on NXP K32W and knowledge issue, if yes, please share with me ?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Could you please help us confirm you are already using the latest release available and also you have checked the different guides available in the matter repository ?
Hi estephania_mart,
I would like to confirm that I am using example from
To build the example, I referred from examples_lighting-app_nxp_k32w
The reported result was based on commit number as below (from master branch):
commit 843643c5f0884dcb20dad0b5946cbeccab32dc66 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Kamil Kasperczyk <>
Date: Wed Feb 23 17:38:32 2022 +0100
With latest commit version, I face a building issue:
a. Commit information:
commit d39df2bb3392c042d4c37367ff01585d085045b7 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Yufeng Wang <>
Date: Tue Apr 5 23:08:58 2022 -0700
b. Log issue while compiling:
root@0aa642002585:/var/chip/examples/lighting-app/nxp/k32w/k32w0# ninja -C out/debug/
ninja: Entering directory `out/debug/'
[896/901] ld ./chip-k32w061-light-example
FAILED: chip-k32w061-light-example
arm-none-eabi-g++ -T../../third_party/connectedhomeip/examples/platform/nxp/k32w/k32w0/app/ldscripts/chip-k32w061-linker.ld -Wl,--defsym -Wl,__app_load_address__=0x4000 -Wl,--defsym -Wl,__app_stated_size__=0x99A00 -march=armv7e-m -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -Wl,-O2 -Wl,--gc-sections -Os --specs=nosys.specs --specs=nano.specs -Werror -Wl,--fatal-warnings -fdiagnostics-color -Wl,--wrap=malloc -Wl,--wrap=free -Wl,--wrap=realloc -Wl,--wrap=calloc -Wl,--wrap=MemoryAlloc -Wl,--wrap=_malloc_r -Wl,--wrap=_realloc_r -Wl,--wrap=_free_r -Wl,--wrap=_calloc_r -Wl,-Map,./ -Wl,--gc-sections @./chip-k32w061-light-example.rsp -o ./chip-k32w061-light-example
/var/chip/.environment/cipd/packages/arm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: ./chip-k32w061-light-example section `.text' will not fit in region `Flash640'
/var/chip/.environment/cipd/packages/arm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region `Flash640' overflowed by 32432 bytes
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Besides the latest commit and above reported commit, with other commit versions, I got a runtime issue on NXP K32W development kit, for example:
a. Commit information:
commit fae3888d4baadd8d3b598e13e6c01b06c0180e97
Author: Song GUO <>
Date: Tue Apr 5 19:41:22 2022 +0800
b. Log on K32W development kit:
[0][OT]Welcome to NXP Lighting Demo App
Device_MAC_ID = 0:60:37:ac:81:c7
[521][P][DL]OpenThread started: OK
[525][P][DL]Setting OpenThread device type to MINIMAL END DEVICE
[532][D][DL]Thread task running
[536][D][DL]CHIP task running
[539][D][DL]OpenThread State Changed (Flags: 0x00038200)
[544][D][DL] Network Name: OpenThread
[548][D][DL] PAN Id: 0xFFFF
[551][D][DL] Extended PAN Id: 0xDEAD00BEEF00CAFE
[556][D][DL] Channel: 11
[558][D][DL] Mesh Prefix: FDDE:AD00:BEEF::/64
[563][P][ZCL]Using ZAP configuration...
[567][E][DL]Chip stack locking error at '../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/app/util/attribute-storage.cpp:551'. Code is unsafe/racy
[579][E][-]chipDie chipDie chipDie
Have you implied that K32W development kit is able to run the example from Matter_lighting_example_k32w successfully ?
If yes, could you please share with me commit version and instruction that could help K32W (as a Matter accessory) working well ?
We're having the same problem with the latest git connectedhomeip sources(with SDK_2_6_4_K32W061DK6). please help us.