How to connect to MQTT broker for AWS IoT and AWS OTA simultaneously?

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How to connect to MQTT broker for AWS IoT and AWS OTA simultaneously?

Contributor IV

I have a single K64 device and want to use both the MCUXpresso's SDK demo for an AWS IoT connection AND the demo for AWS OTA in one firmware.  I think I can merge these to share a single, secure, AWS, TCP/socket connection.  But does each then need its own unique MQTT connection to the broker, or can they share the MQTT connection (one democonfigCLIENT_IDENTIFIER within FreeRTOS' coreMQTT), too?  It looks like both want to manage the connection themselves.  I was wondering whether anyone had any experience with this.

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4 Replies

Contributor IV

I am successfully using MCUXpresso's SDK's aws_shadow_enet demo.  I am trying to add to it this code: Manage SDK Components / Middleware / AWS IoT / AWS common libraries / AWS IoT demo ota_mqtt.  They seemed to have started adding the capability that I mentioned to "AWS IoT demo ota_mqtt", accessible via a boolean flag, but their code is incomplete. 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @kackle123,

Unfortunately, there is not much information about how to connect to MQTT broker for AWS IoT and AWS OTA simultaneously.

Nonetheless, the following information might be useful:

Even though there is not much information about the K64F + AWS IoT or OTA, you could look for iMXRT10xx and RT117x information:

Finally, here are some FreeRTOS information:

Warm regards, Raul.

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Contributor IV

Thank you for your research.  They don't seem to be what I'm looking for, but might give me some ideas.  I will continue to hack at the code to see how to combine them. 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @kackle123,

Could you please tell us which demos are you using? For example, which aws_example from the K64F SDK are you using? Which is the link to the demo for AWS OTA in one firmware?

There is not much information of the K64F AWS implementation. Nonetheless, here are some information that could be useful to look at:

Warm regards, Raul.

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