I'm using the MIMXRT1170-EVK with sdk 2.9.2.
I'm using it as USB Host and I'd like to connect more than one devices at the same time. So far, without success.
Even if I try the simple example described in "MCUXpresso SDK USB Stack Composite Host User's Guide.pdf", the system works fine with the first device I connect but when I connect the second one I get an error in the "setup interface" stage.
Is there any known limitation?
The first one, I want to connect more than one device to a single usb host.
Hello @emilianocarnati,
If this is the case I will suggest to check the evkmimxrt1170_host_hid_mouse_keyboard example found in the SDK, this example support:
Let me know if this helps you.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
but actually this is the only case that works: two HID devices with a "low" data rate. I'm able to connect also two mice at the same time.
At this point I'd like to know, if possible, if there are some limits in how many devices can be connected and used at the same time and if this limits are somehow related to the usb_host_config.h. The documentation is very poor on this aspects.
Hello @emilianocarnati,
You want to connect more than one USB device to a single USB host or you want to use both USB interfaces?
The composite examples show how a single device can be enumerated as more than one class, for example, two CDCs or an HID an CDC.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
The first one, I want to connect more than one device to a single usb host.