I've just installing my new LPCXpresso54608 board and the MCUXpresso IDE.
I created the SDK for the MCUXpresso via the website (Select Linux), downloaded it and installed it under MCUXpresso.
When I try to install the SDK examples via "Import SDK Examples...", the first panel show me correct informations (it shows the board), when I click next I get an empty panel, no examples are shown.
But when I import the same SDK on my Windows machine (WIN7_64), all is right, I can see the examples. On windows, the SDK works whatever I select Linux or Windows on the SDK builder. On ubuntu, nothing.
Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
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Hi Olivier,
you can try to run this - export SWT_GTK3=0 in bash and see if it corrects the behaviour.
MCUXpresso support
Hi support,
Thank you for replying.
I'm launching the IDE from the desktop, I've just tried to launch it from command line as a user and also as root, same result. When launching from console, no errors are printed.
Here are screnshots:
Hi Olivier,
this seems to me as something overrides the SWT_GTK3 variable set by IDE. It needs to be set to 0 for the IDE to function properly. Did you install the IDE according the installation guide?
MCUXpresso support
I downloaded and ran the installation script (mcuxpressoide- <build>.x86_64.deb.run). No more work in the install...
What do you mean with the SWT_GTK3 variable? Ho can I correct this?
Hello Ahoy,
Waow, that did the tricks. Thank you very much for your support.
To understand what's the problem I looked for org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.version(Help -> About -> Installation Details -> Configuration Tab), without the export I had 3.18.9 has value, and with the export I have 2.24.30
Thank you for this fast and successful support.