I have MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759 installed in my windows x64 machine. I am trying to build my project through command line. When i launch IDE by running mcuxpressoide.exe (by clicking) it works fine. but when i try to run through cmd line it doesn't starts. Command i use is
"C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\mcuxpressoide.exe" --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -cleanBuild Test1/Debug "Path to my project"
Also i have tried to run with bat file,but i cant get any response. Launcher file mcuxpressoide.ini is as below
-startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.551.v20171108-1834 -vm C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\jre\bin\javaw.exe -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true
In Launcher file, i have tried to pass the path of javax.exe that was installed previously installed in my machine, but i got error like
java was started but returned exit code=1
I have searched whole internet but still i am clueless about this case. What should i do to be able to compile my project through cmd lines using MCUxpresso ide?
Edited (ADDED)
The bat file (mentioned above) that i have used before is as below.
# Batch file to build an Eclipse project from the command line on Windows
# Example for using MCUXpresso IDE
# path to GNU tools and compiler: arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe, ....
SET TOOLCHAIN_PATH=C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\tools\bin
# variable to the command line Eclipse IDE executable
SET IDE=C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\mcuxpressoidec.exe
ECHO Extending PATH if not already present
ECHO %PATH%|findstr /i /c:"%TOOLCHAIN_PATH:"=%">nul || set PATH=%PATH%;%TOOLCHAIN_PATH%
ECHO Launching Eclipse IDE
"%IDE%" -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -import "path_to_my project" -build all
building projectcmd line mcuxpresso_ide mcuxpresso_sdk
I have kind of solved this problem. The solution i have found is that , instead of using command import i ran the command in the project dir without import. (import not needed as i was already in the corresponding project's directory).
Here you can see the commands.
Although the FAQ below is written for LPCXpresso IDE, the process is the same. Therefore be sure to read and understand this FAQ.
Note: there is a script to set up your paths on Windows machines located in the <install dir>/ide/bin/scripts called MCUXpressoPath.cmd - this may be helpful.
MCUXpresso IDE Support
Thank You,
Yes i had previously configured the path and now also with the script .I had added these three directories in path
But Jus in case i have run the scrpit you have mentioned.
Still its not working,
Should i worry about the OS version that is in the following output of the error? It says OS win32 but i am running it on x64 windows machine.
Java was started but returned exit code=1
-jar C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar
-os win32
-ws win32
-arch x86
-launcher C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\mcuxpressoidec.exe
-name Mcuxpressoidec
--launcher.library C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.551.v20171108-1834\eclipse_1630.dll
-startup C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar
-exitdata 3224_114
-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild
-data c:\tmp\wsp
-build all
-vm C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\jre\bin\javaw.exe
-jar C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar
PS: Also to mention that, from windowd cmd , when i input following command, ide is started , it means this way the command is working well but i am not being able to import and build the project from cmd line.
I also found the similar case here in the forum, the following one!
Impossible to build MCUXpresso project based on imported SDK through Jenkins
I get the same (unhelpful) error if the 'import' directory exists, but there is no valid project in that directory. So, what is the contents of the directory named on -import? It should contain a valid project, with (at least) .cproject and .project files.
Thank You for your answer!
Yes the content of the directory i import is a valid project, it has corresponding files.
I am still clueless if i am doing something wrong or it simply doesn't works.
On Windows, to run a build from the command line you need to use the mcuxpressoidec.exe rather than mcuxpressoide.exe (note the additional "c" at the end of the filename).
MCUXpresso IDE Support
Hi there,
Just tried tyour way and i got a following error.
command i used was,
"C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_10.2.0_759\ide\mcuxpressoidec.exe" -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -import "path/to/my/project/to/be/built" -build all