Link Server Unable to connect wire for probe index 1.

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Link Server Unable to connect wire for probe index 1.

Contributor I

operation step bellow.

1. unarchived SDK folder drag into Installed SDKs Tab.

2. Import SDK examples.

3.SDK import Wizard


       available board selected [frdmk64f] next button

       Project Options check [UART]

       Examples   [demo_apps] - [hello_world] checked

       C/C++ Library Settings   unchecked  [Redirect SDK "PRINTF" to C library "printf"]

      finish button

4. Build

        Console Tab bellow

       12:41:09 Build Finished (took 997ms)

5. Debug


I got a bellow error .

LinkServer has been terminated and will be restarted.
Please restart your debug session.
If the problem recurs, please power cycle your debug probe and restart MCUXpresso IDE.
Error: Unable to connect wire for probe index 1.
Hardware interface transfer error

LinkServer has been terminated and will be restarted.
Please restart your debug session.
If the problem recurs, please power cycle your debug probe and restart MCUXpresso IDE.

Use environment.

board: FRDM-K64F

IDE: MCU Xpresso v10.2.0

SDK: SDK 2.4 for FRDM-K64F board

OS: Windows 7 Home

read thanks.

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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

It looks like your board has an old version of the CMSIS-DAP debug probe installed in it. So first of all, I would recommend that you update to the latest CMSIS-DAP firmware for the OpenSDA debug probe built into your board (also referred to as "DAP-Link"). There is a link to the firmware on the Help-> Additional Sources menu of the IDE.

[You could also change the probe firmware to the J-Link/P&E variants as suggested by Alice - but that will loose you some functionality within the IDE when debugging.]

Then before you try debugging again, ensure that there are no debug executables still running (that may have hung). The easiest way to do this in MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0 is to use the "Clean up Debug" button on the toolbar.  "Clean up debug" will kill all debug processes associated with LinkServer, P&E and SEGGER debug connections. This button can be used in the event of a debugging crash to remove any failed processes that remain. Note: a warning will be issued with the option to cancel before any action is performed since this action will kill all connected debug sessions. 


MCUXpresso IDE Support

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello masato kokufu,

How about use the other debug driver for OpenSDA - Segger Jlink or P&E Micro .

I attached the Segger Jlink , you can follow the below steps to update it :

1)Press the Reset button (and keep it pressed) while power the board with the OpenSDA USB connector(J26):.
2)  The board will
show up as BOOTLOADER drive on your system:
3) Copy"、02_OpenSDA_FRDM-K64F.bin "
(I attached it for you) to the BOOTLOADER driver:
4) The copy operation takes about 2-3 seconds, after finished , unpower
 the board.
5) Power the board again normally .

Press the Shift key when click debug button .

(About the detail OpenSDA , you can find from OpenSDA Serial and Debug Adapter|NXP   )

Hope it helps,

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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