What are my option for a high speed usb debuger?

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What are my option for a high speed usb debuger?

Contributor III

What are my option for a high speed usb debuger?

I found sofar:

- Segger j-link. only Is really expensive.

- LPC2-link. Not available till the end of October and rather large.

Are there more options?  Besides making it myself.  Which is a hassle because the reverence design uses a BGA.


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4 Replies

Senior Contributor V

Hi Ernst,

One addition to your list: P&E Multilink Universal: Multilink | Debug Probe | PEmicro 

About speed: keep in mind that usually not the USB connection is the limit, but the probe itself, plus there are limits on the core/CPU of your target.

The LPC-Link2 is a good choice (price/performance), and with J-Link you get tons of extra tools (RTT, SystemViewer), and same as with SEGGER you can use the P&E probe for other devices than just NXP. Each probe has its pros and cons (price, speed, voltage levels supported, extra tools, ...), so it really depends on your needs. And if you are not aware: if your project is non-commercial, you can get and use a J-Link EDU Mini for only $20 too if the size of the LPC-Link2 is a concern.

I hope this helps,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Ernst van Spronsen 
Please use LPC-LINK2. It is jointly developed by NXP and Embedded Artists, the LPC-Link 2 is an extensible, stand-alone debug probe that can be configured to support various development tools and IDEs using a variety of different downloadable firmware images. It can also be used as an evaluation board in its own right for the NXP® LPC4370 triple core MCU.

For detail, see:
LPC-Link2 | NXP 

Have a great day,
Jun Zhang

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Contributor III

I Purchased a LPC-link. The problem is the serial Vcom port is not supported in the freelink firmware and P2_0 and P2_1 are not routed to any of the connectors.

is there a  stand alone programmer that I can use programming my board that also has a working serial port?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Due to HW design, standalone debug probe doesn't have vcom. only on-board debugger has this feature.


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