Is there any hope that the component downloading every time one opens the config tools can be disabled, or at least limited?
On MCUXpresso 11.3, every time I pop into the Config Tools to tweak something or generally fidget, program execution pauses while components are re-downloaded. A nice idea, if one has a blazing corporate level internet, but on a modest home internet it's downright annoying. Besides I doubt very much if anything has substantially changed since a few minutes ago when I last checked.
How about the components are re-downloaded upon cranking up MCUXpresso? Or perhaps on demand?
These superfluous downloads seems just an unnecessary annoyance
in this case, could you, as I mentioned below:
and report here the observation/result?
thank you,
could you please post screenshot where you can see the Config Tools are downloading the components (every time)?
What the Config Tools should do is to create check whether there's a new processor/board or component data on server. If nothing updated, nothing should be downloaded.
As a workaround you can disable automatic download of new data in "Window | Preferences". Either completely work offline, or disable updates for already downloaded data: