I try to run the KL03 ROM bootloader from user application with BCA configuration.
I set to BCA about below configurations, but I looked like it was not applied.
- tag
- enablePeripherals : use only I2C
- i2cSlaveAddress
- peripheralDetectionTimeout
- clockFlags and clockDivider
I saw that the time-out is not applied when user application call ROM bootloader.
1. When user application call ROM bootloader, BCA configuration is not applied to it like time-out?
2. How to apply BCA configuration when I run ROM bootloader from user applicaiton?
Best regards,
Maybe this article helps you:
Getting Started: ROM Bootloader on the NXP FRDM-KL03Z Board | MCU on Eclipse
And yes, if you call the bootloader from the application, the timeout is not applied, but everything else is (from what I can tell using blhost). You would have to implement that timeout in the user application part. Or you could setup a watchdog as timeout.
I hope this helps,
Hi Erich
Thank you for your answer.
I would like to know how to inirialize peripheral setting like I2C slave address and clock configuration.
When I run ROM bootloader from user application, is ROM bootloader doesn't initialize sewuence like a 1st column of Figure 11-2 in KL03 reference manual?
And, ROM bootloader keep the HW configuration by user application?
Best regards,