We have a LS1012ardb demo board. We are experimenting with the LSDK for this board. From a Ubuntu prompt we follow the instructions in the lsdk_build_install.md readme for building. When we try to build we get the following error:
Package python3-crypto is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'python3-crypto' has no installation candidate
If we try to do a apt-get or apt install it can't find that package either.
How do we move forward with this, or any other packages that don't seem to exist anymore?
Ran into all of these same issues starting out native Ubuntu 22.04 and my own docker container running Ubuntu 20.04.
USE THE DOCKERFILE IN THE FLEXBUILD TARBALL. All your problems will be solved.
What I did for a successful build:
1. Download flexbuilder tarball from nxp.com/lsdk
2. Unzip it:
tar xf <downloaded filename>
3. Enter install's docker directory:
cd flexbuild_<version>/docker
4. Create docker image from NXP-provided dockerfile called "nxp-ubuntu":
sudo docker build -t nxp-ubuntu
5. Create and start docker container in privileged mode with all linux capabilities (just to make sure there are no permissions issues):
sudo docker run --privileged --cap-add=ALL -it nxp-ubuntu
6. Prompt becomes that of your docker container. Create a workspace:
sudo mkdir /home/workspace
7. Open a host terminal in another window to copy flexbuilder to your container.
sudo docker cp flexbuild_<version>.tgz <docker container ID>:/home/workspace
8. In your container prompt, navigate to workspace:
cd /home/workspace
9. Untar flexbuild:
tar xf flexbuild_<version>.tgz
10. Enter flexbuild directory and setup environment
cd flexbuild_<version>
source setup.env
11. Verify you can use bld command by typing "bld" - usage instructions should be returned.
12. Make all components for the LS1028A RDB
bld -m ls1028ardb
13. Jump for joy, go for a walk, enjoy this reward before you have to interpret more NXP documentation
So I got past the python problem by finding where it was being included in one of the build scripts and commenting it out. python3-crypto has been replaced with python3-cryptogropy in Ubuntu 22.02 (Jammy)
Then I got a problem that it couldn't find "pkg-config-aarch64-linux-gnu". To try to fix this I added an older Ubuntu archive "focal" in the apt sources.list file.
Now it is reporting that the toolchain isn't the correct version.
The existing toolchain version 1.x on this host doesn't work for this release
Please build on Ubuntu 22.04 host or build in docker (run 'flex-builder docker') to use the verified toolchain version 9.x
I didn't know that this SDK required a specific version of Ubuntu. Didn't see that requirement in the readmes.
I ran into the same issue and found out that the function check_toolchain() in the flex-builder script reads only the 1st digit of the used gcc version. On Ubuntu 22.04 I have arm64 gcc 11.3 while NXP has obviously built/tested with gcc 9. So I changed this meanwhile to accept any aarch64 gcc with version > 9. But I am currently not through with it.
• Ubuntu 20.04 LTS should be installed on the host machine.
• If this requirement is not fulfilled, see "Emulate Ubuntu 20.04 environment using Docker container" or "Install Ubuntu 20.04
LTS via WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows 10" in LSDKUG_Rev21.08.pdf
Yep, I have been following the instructions. I was on a newer version of Ubuntu and was trying to get it to build with the newer version. I got quite a ways but eventually gave up.
I tried using docker to build and that failed as well. Not worth my time trying to get it to work inside docker inside a VM (Ubuntu) inside Windows.
So, then I installed a brand new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VM, downloaded the LSDK 2108. Followed the instructions to build and got an error about PYTHON not being set. Looked up that problem, installed python-devel package and am now continuing to build.
It is disappointing that there are build errors even when following the build instructions. Seems like the LDSK should be updated to include the python-devel package as a dependency.
Better yet, Maybe update the SDK to support a newer version of Ubuntu LTS (22.04?)