Content originally posted in LPCWare by lipny on Fri Apr 06 18:40:42 MST 2012
Quote: TheFallGuy
It is really quite simple, as most people on this forum will agree.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]1. Create a new workspace - anywhere you like[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]2. Import the CMSIS project for your chip (Examples/NXP/LPC1000/LPC17xx/ [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]3. Use the New Project Wizard to create a new project[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]The key thing is that CMSIS is a library *project* and needs to exists as a project in your workspace.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Of course, you don't even have to use CMSIS, in which case, in the wizard just select None for the CMSIS version.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]To create some new files, just select a project and press the 'c' or 'h' icons in the toolbar. You can drag/drop files from Explorer into a project too.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]It really is not difficult.
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]I did ALL that already - see my post above : but I get a msg at the top :[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] The project CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx must exist in the workspace[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]and that's it - can't progress further.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=magenta]So may be you can tell me what exactly shall I copy and where to make this work ? Would be most appreciated. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Note that I followed G.S. manual rev 11.1 , DEC 2011- and page 26 in particular (Create the ‘Skeleton’ project etc). [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]My workspace is (created as per G.S., sec 6.6.1) : C:\nxp\workspace_proj2.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]I even copied the whole "" and "" to "C:\nxp\workspace_proj2" directory. Still no luck.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]So when it says : [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff]project CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx must exist[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]then is it the ZIP file of that name that it needs there ? Or what ? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]I even unpacked the above ZIPs to C:\nxp\workspace_proj2. Still no good.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Li Pny[/SIZE]