It is sometimes useful to be able to view the actual assembly instructions of your application when you are debugging. This can often assist in understanding the behavior you see as the application executes.
One way to do this is to change into "Instruction Stepping Mode". To do this click on the "i->" icon in the LPCXpresso Debug View.
This changes debug behavior such that you will now step by processor instructions, rather than source lines. It will also cause the Disassembly View to be added to your current perspective, which will display instructions around the current program counter.
If you click the "i->" icon again to return to source stepping mode, the Disassembly view will continue to be displayed.
Alternatively the menu :
Window->Show view->Other->Debug->Disassembly
will cause the Disassembly View to be displayed (without changing the current stepping mode).
Options within the Disassembly View also allow you to choose whether to display source interleaved with the disassembled code, and also if you want a linkage in the display to the active debug context.
LPCXpresso IDE also allows you to display the opcode for each instruction in the Disassembly view.
In LPCXpresso 7.4.0 and later...
In LPCXpresso 7.3.0 and earlier...