Booting LPC-Link

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Booting LPC-Link

Senior Contributor I

Normally, LPC-Link is booted automatically when starting a debug session via the LPCXpresso IDE.

However, under certain circumstances - such as when using the command line flash utility, you may need to boot it manually.


When powered on, LPC-Link hardware makes use of the DFU mechanism (Device Firmware Update) to allow the host to download driver code into on-board RAM. This scheme offers great flexibility and ensures that the latest compatible firmware will be used for a given version of LPCXpresso IDE.

Before boot, LPC-Link appears as a USB device with details:

VendorID/ProductID:   0x0471/0xDF55   (Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV)

and will appear in Windows -> Devices and Printers, as below:

146588_146588.pngusb device with dfu.png

After boot, LPC-Link will appear as a USB device with details:

VendorID/ProductID:   0x1FC9/0x0009   (NXP Semiconductors)

Note: LPC-Link may be booted as a winusb device having a ProductID of 0x9 (as above) or a HID device having a ProductID of 0x7.

and will appear in Windows -> Devices and Printers as below:

146589_146589.pnglpc link probe.png

Note: the standard utilities to explore USB devices on our supported host platforms are:

  • Windows - Device Manager
    • LPCXpressoIDE also provides a listusb utility in:
      • <install_dir>\lpcxpresso\bin\Scripts
  • Linux - terminal command: lsusb
  • Mac OSX - terminal command: system_profiler SPUSBDataType

The procedure to manually boot the probes for our supported host operating systems shown below.

Using the Command Line

From LPCXpresso IDE version 7.3x and later, a boot script is supplied for all supported platforms. To make use of this script:

  • cd <install_dir>\lpcxpresso\bin and run
  • boot_link1

For versions of LPCXpresso IDE prior to 7.3


On Windows, we provide a script to perform this operation.

  • cd <install_dir>\lpcxpresso\bin\Scripts, and run
  • bootLPCXpresso.cmd type
    • where
      • type = winusb for Windows 8.x / XP, or
      • type = hid for Windows Vista / 7

Note: if you don't specify a type, the script will try to load to appropriate code for your host OS.

Linux/Mac OS X

Here we need to locate the dfu-util utility and pass the parameters for the device and code etc.

  • cd <install_dir>/lpcxpresso/bin, and run
  • dfu-util -d 0x471:0xdf55 -c 0 -t 2048 -R -D LPCXpressoWIN.enc

Using the GUI

It is also possible to manually boot LPC-Link from the GUI, on occasion this may be a more convenient solution than using the command line.

To do this, locate the red Boot icon on the Toolbar:

146590_146590.pngboot debug.png

Select the probe and click 'OK'.

146591_146591.pnglpc link v11.png


If you have been able to use LPC-Link in a debug session but now see issues such as "No compatible emulator available" or "Priority 0 connection to this core already taken"  when trying to perform a debug operation ...

  • ensure you have shut down any previous debug session
    • You must close a debug session (press the Red 'terminate' button) before starting another debug session
  • It is possible that the debug driver is still running in the background. Use the task manager or equivalent to kill any tasks called:
    •   crt_emu_*
    •   arm-none-eabi_gdb*

If your host has never worked with LPC-Link, first perform some basic checks with reference to the background information at the beginning of this FAQ.

  • Try a different USB cable!
  • Try a different USB port. If your host has USB3 and USB2, then try a USB2 port
    • there are know issues with motherboard USB3 firmware, ensure your host is using the latest driver from the manufacturer
      • Note: this is not referencing the host OS driver but the motherboard firmware of the USB port
  • If using a USB hub, first try a direct connection to the host computer
  • If using a USB hub, try using one with a separate power supply - rather than relying on the supply over USB from your PC.
  • Try completely removing and re-installing the host device driver
  • If using Windows 8.1, then sometimes the Windows USB power settings can cause problems. For more details use your favourite search engine to search for "windows 8 usb power settings" or similar. For example:
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