Content originally posted in LPCWare by on Fri Jul 17 11:57:00 MST 2015 > "what are the differences between eCos and FreeRTOS?"
... is a very broad question that could have a one line answer, or a 50 page answer, depending on how much detail you wanted to go into ;o) Ultimately they are both RTOSes, so perform a similar function.
> you have to write your own drivers
Why would you do that when they are all provided for you for free in LPCOpen?
> Both are heavy weight RTOS. By that, I mean, neither will give you fast context switching
I think you just demonstrated why the clause in the license exists. FreeRTOS is not heavy weight by any stretch of the imagination: (memory foot print and context switch times are on that link).
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rocketdawg on Fri Jul 17 11:29:39 MST 2015 Both are heavy weight RTOS. By that, I mean, neither will give you fast context switching, but they are free. Sort of. you have to write your own drivers. in fact, the FreeRTOS license says you cannot even publish any benchmarks that you may obtain, because they know it is a slow boat.
If you want to investigate RTOS, then look at a few alternatives. ChibiOS/RT, fastest hunk of RTOS in the galaxy ARM RTX (free download, it's also used in ) CooCox comes with lots of driver support just to mention a few.