Unable to get Windows or Linux to recognize LPCXpresso54608

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Unable to get Windows or Linux to recognize LPCXpresso54608

Contributor I

I have been unable to get either Linux or Windows to recognize the LPCXpresso54608/OM13092 board when I plug it into my computer via USB. I've installed the MCUXpresso IDE and added the BSP/SDK for the 54608. I have turned off both the firewall and anti-virus protection on both Linux and Windows, as well as both opening and shorting the J5 jumper in every conceivable configuration, all to no avail. I’ve also tried connecting the board using all of the microUSB slots, also to no avail. Neither Linux nor Windows recognizes the board - it does not appear under any device under Windows or under the /dev directory under Linux. The board is running the demo TouchGFX software out of the box. Can anybody provide any information on how to fix this issue? Thank you.

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Evan, 

Please download LPCScrypt software. Once you have the software, connect the board in DFU mode (short J5) to your computer. After, you need to go to the following path on your windows PC: C:\nxp\LPCScrypt\scripts and from there you will need to run either program_CMSIS or program_JLINK script, depending on the debug probe you want to use. Once the script is done disconnect the board from the computer, remove J5 and connect again the board to the computer.

Please let me know the results. 

Hope it helps!



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Contributor I

Hi Victor,

I tried what you said to try on my Linux PC and it didn't work. I got the

following message when trying either JLINK or CMSIS:


LPCScrypt - J-Link firmware programming script v1.8.2 April 2017.

Connect an LPC-Link2 or LPCXpresso V2/V3 Board via USB then press Space.

Booting LPCScrypt

No bootable LPCScrypt target found

dfu-util - (C) 2007-2008 by OpenMoko Inc.

This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

(Grepping for 0x1fc9:0x000c)

Boot Failed!

Ensure One Debug Probe is configured to DFU-Boot and connected via USB.

- For LPC-Link2: remove link JP1 (nearest USB) and power cycle

- For LPCXpresso V2/V3: make DFU link and power cycle


On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 12:07 PM, victorjimenez <admin@community.nxp.com>

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Evan,

Did you try also in the Windows PC? When you connect the board to the computer in DFU mode the device manager should recognize it as it is shown in the image1 attach, are you seeing this? 

Just to be sure, when you are making this process you are connecting the board through the J8 slot, right? I recommend you to try the same process but this time connect the board to the computer from slot J8 and J1, both at the same time when the board is in DFU mode. 

Please let me know the results on your side. 




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