Hello, I am using a LPC1857 microcontroller and want ot interface USB as a Host to connect to mass storage device (Pen drive).
But in Emuration process when HOST reset the Port the Port Reset bit (0x100) on PORTSC1_H register remains HIGH forever, which indicates PORT Reset condition, it should have set LOW after 10 ms.
Which is not happening, dont know where the problem is.
We have MassStorageHost demo code under lpcopen for Keil MCB1800 (LPC1857) board.
Please refer it for your design
Jun Zhang
hello, 1 Gb pen drive is getting resetted properly during enumeration process.
but when I connect other 8GB or 4GB pen drive during enumeration reset, USB0_DP pin goes low and remains low, throughout.
It there any difference in communication or hardware, between 1Gb and 8 GB pendrive.
What might be the problem ??
@jun Zhang
With lpcopen msc demo code, I can't reproduce your issue. So the problem is not on LPC part.
Your USB can't connect 8GB or 4GB msc, and you use custom board and SW, thus there may be many possiabilities, the card, the SW, HW design.
I suggest you testing lpcopen msc demo code on your board first to isolation where is the problem.
Jun Zhang