I am using the LPC804M101DJH24 package for my project. I have it mounted on a 24-DIP so I can plug it into my breadboard. I am trying to program it with Arm Keil and using the ST-Link V2 STM8 & STM32 USB debugger. I have tried to run example code I downloaded from NXP but to no avail. It builds without any problem, but when I go into the debugger mode it will never reach the main() function. It seems to get stuck in the startup/boot process.
I have the same problem when I try to run my own code. I have the proper header files I believe (LPC804.h) but it still won't run to the main() when I try to debug. Therefore I don't think it is actually executing any code. In the example code from NXP, the header file is (LPC8xx.h) and I think it may not be targeting my chip correctly. I think this because of the notes at the top of the (keil_startup.s) file.
I am asking here because I want help with literally the most basic configuration I need to get my chip working. I just want something to work on my chip because I have been stuck like this for a while. GPIO would be something simple I can start with.
How I have the debugger connected to the chip:
I have 3.3V going to VDD pin
I have GND going to VSS pin
I have RST going to reset pin and also have a pull-up resistor to 3.3V
I have SWDIO going to SWDIO pin and also have a pull-up resistor to 3.3V
I have SWCLK going to SWCLK pin and also have a pull-down resistor going to ground.
These are the SWD connections recommended in the NXP LPC804 User manual (UM11065).
I will attach the code I have been trying to get working. Please help me.
Thank you,
Hi Peter Choudek,
I am don't know whether your ST-LINK can support the NXP LPC product or not, maybe it can't support it.
We suggest you to use our LPC-LINK2 tool, the link is:
This tool can be CMSIS DAP or the JLINK debugger.
I think you can use the JLINK commander to connect your board, whether you can find the ARM core or not?
Have a great day,
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