Hi! I'm creating an X-Y matrix of LEDs and need a number of GPIO pins on an LPC832 (SOP20 package). However, pins 7,8 (SWD), and 9,10 (I2C) do not want to comply with the GPIO configuration. Pins 7 and 8 stay high, no matter how I set them, and pins 9 and 10 stay low. I looked at
But it didn't help. I've attached the compressed project so you can take a look for yourself. It could be that I overlooked something, but the other GPIO pins seem to work as expected.
Thanks for any insight.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Got it. To disable SWD on the fixed pins, and enable GPIO on those pins, instead, I created this function and call it before BOARD_InitBootPins().
Note, however, after you do this, SWD will not work as expected until you enable ISP mode. To do that, connect pin 4 (PIO0_12) to ground, then touch pin 5 to ground and disconnect. SWD should work again.
// near the other #includes
#include "fsl_swm.h"
// somewhere in your source code
void disableSWD ()
CLOCK_EnableClock( kCLOCK_Swm );
SWM_SetFixedPinSelect( SWM0, kSWM_SWCLK, false );
SWM_SetFixedPinSelect( SWM0, kSWM_SWDIO, false );
CLOCK_DisableClock( kCLOCK_Swm );
Got it. To disable SWD on the fixed pins, and enable GPIO on those pins, instead, I created this function and call it before BOARD_InitBootPins().
Note, however, after you do this, SWD will not work as expected until you enable ISP mode. To do that, connect pin 4 (PIO0_12) to ground, then touch pin 5 to ground and disconnect. SWD should work again.
// near the other #includes
#include "fsl_swm.h"
// somewhere in your source code
void disableSWD ()
CLOCK_EnableClock( kCLOCK_Swm );
SWM_SetFixedPinSelect( SWM0, kSWM_SWCLK, false );
SWM_SetFixedPinSelect( SWM0, kSWM_SWDIO, false );
CLOCK_DisableClock( kCLOCK_Swm );
Hello @aaronm
How about try to "After disabling the default SWD functions of pins, pull-down the P0_4 to the low state prior to resetting the MCU, after that, release the P0_4.".
Ok, I understand the I2C pins - 9 & 10 - are open drain when in GPIO mode, so adding a pull-up resistor will allow the output to go high. I've tested that and it works.
I'm still stuck on pins 7 & 8 - the SWD pins. Do I have to disable SWD on chip startup?