LPC4370 Samples storage in Flash memory

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LPC4370 Samples storage in Flash memory

Contributor I


I need to save some samples in flash memory. I don't know how to proceed.

I tried to change the content of a pointer refferenced to 0x14000000, but the microcontroller enters in a hard fault. Also tried doing this operation with the function located in RAM. I understand that is not a "real" address and the flash content can not be accessed doing this, it's correct?

I tried moving the whole application to the RAM memory, but the microcontroller get frozen every time I execute the app. I think that the code is not properly copied to RAM. I wanted that for write or read from flash at the same time I'm executing code at the mcu, also for changing mem mode to command mode.

Somebody knows an easy way to save information in Flash memory?

thank you

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

On the LPC4370 part flash at 0x14000000 will be external SPIFI flash. To program this from an application running in RAM you would need to create or link against software that can program SPIFI flash devices. 

Perform a web search for 'LPC SPIFI Peripheral' and you should find a page that describes the flash and also links to the LPC SPIFIlibrary - this should provide the information you need.

Alternatively LPCScrypt or LPCXpresso IDE can be used to program this part provided the SPIFI flash used is a supported.


LPCXpresso Support

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