I am using an LPC1769 microcontroller on a self-designed board whoch is only for general I/O and UART comm. I have been assigned a task to make an EEPROM interfacing library in keil uvision 5for the same. the question is that in the pdf of LPC17xx it shows no hits for the keyword "eeprom" , does it have one? And if not then I have to use an external IC? Can someone help me out with the library?
LPC1769 doesn't have EEPROM ... you can use the product selector on nxp.com to see what parts in the family do:
LPC1700 32-bit MCUs|ARM Cortex-M3 Cores|NXP
(but basically its the LPC177x and LPC178x parts).
The LPCXpresso board for LPC1769 includes an EEPROM, so you could start from that. Link to the schematic:
LPCXpresso board for LPC1769 with CMSIS DAP probe|NXP
The LPCOpen package for this board includes an example that accesses the EEPROM; look at the perip_i2c project.