It requires 3 to 4 times to reset the MCU to display the string on LCD

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It requires 3 to 4 times to reset the MCU to display the string on LCD

Contributor III


During flashing the code to the MCU , to display the string/character on LCD it requires 3 to 4 times[or sometimes more

then that] to press the reset button on the board, why is it requires to press the reset button so many times, I'm using

LPCXpresso845MAX OM13097 REV A development board., Since I was interfacing LPC845 with 8x2 lcd using GPIO

pins, for initially when I flash the code to the MCU it didn't displayed anything, later when I reset it 3 to 4 times, then

the data is writing to the LCD.

Kindly suggest how to solve this issue.

Thank you

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


You are having a problem in the initialization of the LCD, please review the User Manual or Datasheet of your LCD, you must not given the complete initialization or the latency of the Enable signal of your LCD it is not correct, you are using a very small clock, increase the delay of the Enable signal, and check the power supply of the LCD. 

Have a nice day!


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