How to write my first program

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How to write my first program

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 06:29:17 MST 2014
LPC1768 Cortex-M3 Header board

this is my board!

i installed LPCXpresso on linux but i have no idea what to do,

and where to start learning, i already knwo how to programm for avr, i don't know what to select during creating a new project, i searched google a lot and didn't find anything useful :(
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13 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Thu Sep 11 00:57:44 MST 2014
thanks a lot,

i will order one today, i remember when i started avr i was just like this :D

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by LabRat on Wed Sep 10 12:21:40 MST 2014

Quote: kamhagh
edit: oh, by how to make (one) i ment an working applications, i am mostly  looking for an start point to make my "hello work" (assuming an led blink :) ) or something and keep going further !

This simple LED blinking project is your start point  :O

System init and Startup file in your source folder are showing you what's necessary to use LPC17xx chips.

Modern chips and toolchains are complex  :)

BTW: Using Atmel's ASF with something like ATSAMR21 isn't easy either...

If you are trying to understand LPC17xx it's a good idea to try this samples and read UM10360. Then you'll learn how this chip is working and if it's a good choice for you...
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 11:40:57 MST 2014
i understood how to make the new project

i imported all of the projects from there

i opened periph_blinky and then i went to emaple/src/ there are 3 files(.c) i have no idea what each are, anyway i opened 3 of them , one of them was just bunch of # if and #ifdef and ect

other one was same

but systick.c was simple. and just called some functions, i have guessed what those do, but still don't understand them correctly

and i have never even seen the Chip / board libaries ! i only programmed for arduino and AVR , thats my only experiance in electronics, other than that i programmed computer ,

i have already used Eclipse before for Android and java programming !

edit: oh, by how to make (one) i ment an working applications, i am mostly  looking for an start point to make my "hello work" (assuming an led blink :) ) or something and keep going further !
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 11:25:30 MST 2014
it showed how to import projects not how to make one,

i opened blinky example and i didn't understand anything there !

i found a datasheet or something that tells me what register is what, but not how to change them !

i live in iran, youtube is banned
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by LabRat on Wed Sep 10 11:11:21 MST 2014

is also describing how to create new projects....

Anyway, as a beginner you should try to import a blinky example (LPCOpen)...

That's helping you to understand how basic mechanisms are working (Eclipse/ IDE / SWD / Debugging)...

If you are more familiar with Chip / Board libraries you'll find User Manual ( Registers in Library functions.

At the moment creating new projects is more confusing you than helping to understand basics  :)
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 09:59:05 MST 2014
i couldn't edit the prev post ! but i only saw stuff about how to use IDE,
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by LabRat on Wed Sep 10 09:57:21 MST 2014

Quote: kamhagh
btw i can't open Youtube :( its forbidden :(

BTW: You can update your accout location to give us a hint if you're living in a 'forbitten' country...

Quote: kamhagh
no, i mean how i can start learning how to program LCP1678 like how to turn the pin on and off how can i do : digitalWrite(1,HIGH);(arduino) in the LPC1678,

that says how i can make projects and ect!

And it should show you how to import projects. I'm not sure if LPCXpresso comes with LPC1678 samples, but a lot of LPC1768 samples are available with LPCOpen:

Is that forbitten, too?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 09:48:26 MST 2014
no, i mean how i can start learning how to program LCP1678 like how to turn the pin on and off how can i do : digitalWrite(1,HIGH);(arduino) in the LPC1678,

that says how i can make projects and ect!

btw i can't open Youtube :( its forbidden :(

the had an 2 page pdf !

im sorry if i'm annoying you :(

let me relog to linxu and relook at the user manual!

EDIT: can't find the installation directory, its not on home, let me keep searching :|
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by LabRat on Wed Sep 10 09:09:49 MST 2014

Quote: kamhagh
but i searched net a lot and i can't find a single thing on how to learn it :(


Then something's wrong with your Google...

And last not least:
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Wed Sep 10 09:01:03 MST 2014
As I said earlier, start with the user manual. It is in the install directory. It is also available on the download page.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 08:29:12 MST 2014
oh god im so confused and my brain is so dirty  :D i can't understand anything

let me ask this question

i just want to start learning LPC1768, what should i do to learn it?

like when i wanted to learn arduino and avr, i just googled arduino tutorial, it had some info and i learned it :D

but i searched net a lot and i can't find a single thing on how to learn it :(
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by kamhagh on Wed Sep 10 07:18:33 MST 2014
thanks for quick reply,

i have lots of documents and stuff in my downloads folder , im confused which one your talking about, can you give me a link or something?

i read it again. i used none and it fixed error, but anyway were can i start learning how to prorgam those ?!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Wed Sep 10 06:31:19 MST 2014
Read the user manual. There is a getting started tutorial provided.
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