How to program lpc1517 by lpc1549 via CAN ISP?
08:26 PM
1,076 次查看
Contributor I
I boot lpc1517 into CAN ISP mode.Then I try to use lpc1549 to program the lpc1517 and reset it.
Does this way work? Or I must use Flash Magic?
I have read the lpc15xx user manual but still don't know how to use the C_CAN ISP commands at all.
Is that correct to use can_transmit(CAN_MSG1_OBJ* message_object) directly?
What data in the message_object should be?
1 回复
11:39 AM
739 次查看
Hello YenChun,
In fact you need to use Flash Magic, You are correct you can use can_transmit in order to send the command, in order to see how, and what data, please check the following link:
LPC11C24 Can Bootloader Assistance |
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,