Content originally posted in LPCWare by robert on Fri Dec 06 01:17:13 MST 2013
Now we use the Hitex LPC1850 evaluation board: LPC1850FET256P6G566.04 ESD11460AY, and SPANSION FL064P1F 1059030. We find there is two problem:
1.use the NXP 2012-06 level-II training code:HOT7_SPIFI, if we reconfig the SPIFI colock, when simulate and debug, the MCU will entry HardFault_Handler; when run in SPI Flash, will dead, maybe also entry HardFault_Handler. Why? SPI flash problem, or library or ROM code/library compatibility ? the lpc18xx-2013-09-04[1].zip code, use uart polling example code, then find the Baud rate is not right, becaue the pc receive date is messy code. why?
Thanks and Best regards