Faults On LPC_824 MCU I2C2 function.

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Faults On LPC_824 MCU I2C2 function.

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by FirmLogic on Wed Dec 31 22:21:13 MST 2014
I an usiing all 4 I2C ports in an application where I2C0 is a Slave port and the rest are Masters ports. I use the "lpc_chip_82x" library as the HAL and the three master ports share the interrupt handler. I instantiate three records from a typedef struct as defined in the library for each of the 3 master ports. All three ports have identicla tasks. I2C1 and I2C3 run flawlessly. I2C2 experiences random address NAKs, data NAKs and total failure which I catch with a timeout. The failure requires re-initing the I2C2 function. No recovery is required for the NAKs. We have spent days isolating the problem to the I2C2 function only. We remapped pins, swapped external connectious and ran it by itself. It always experiences the afore mentioned problems.

I have implemented a recovery scheme wa can live with, but, not idylic.

Does anyone know anything about any I2C issues on the LPC824 chip and what to do about it?

Mike Dawson
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