I´ve being trying to use the source code and schematic provided by NXP in the AN11153 (DMX/RDM slave) but I can´t seem to make it work.
I´m using a LPC1112/102, and I tried compiling it with LPCXpresso 8 and IAR Worbench 8.32. Both compile with no errors and I flash it using ISP and Flash Magic tool.
I seems like either the firmware is not running or simply not working. I don´t know if there is a setting that should be made on the compilers. Just to make sure of it, I added a line in the code turning the LEDs on and OFF, and still does not work.
Anyone with experience with this code?
Has anyone used the I2C functions to read/write an EEPROM memory (24AA00) ? I´m having issues with it...
Hi Thiago rodrigues,
For the new question, it's better to create the new question post.
Have a great day,
Hello Kerry,
Sorry, I thought I could ask this in this same topic because I´m trying to use the I2C functions that are in the same package as the DMX firmware. It is used for writing to LCD I2C display, but I´m trying to use it to write the DMX address to a E2PROM memory. But I´ll move it to the forum root.
Hi Thiago rodrigues,
Thanks for the background.
It's better to create the new question post, because this question is a little old, and I already didn't support the LPC chip any more. So if you create the new question post, our related LPC engineer will help you in your new question.
Have a great day,
Hi Thiago rodrigues,
What the project you have tested? LPC111xDMXslave.eww in folder: C:\nxp\lighting\backup\DMX512_RDM_SDK_v1.0\LPC111xSlave?
I also simply test it on my LPC1115 board, and debug it. Because I don't have the application's board, then I simply test it with the lpcxpress 1115 board, this board have the on board CMSIS DAP debugger.
This is my debug result:
Then my on board P0.7 can be pull low, my red led is on.
So, I think you'd better to find a debugger to test it on your side, otherwise, it is not easy to find the problem on your own designed board.
If you are using the LPC1112, you also need to modify the .icf file, change the ROM end address, because LPC1112 just have 16KB, but LPC1114 have 48KB.
The project chip you also need to change it to your own chip, this is my example:
You can find a debugger and try it again.
Any updated information, please let me know.
Have a great day,
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Thank you very much for you reply.
About your questions:
1 - Yes, I´m using the source code for DMX Slave as it was downloaded, no modifications.
I tried on both complilers - IAR and LPCXpresso. You can see in the screenshot below, in the IAR environment, the project is loaded and compiled, with no errors except for 5 warnings.
The warnings are:
Warning[25]: Label 'NMI_Handler' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root D:\DMX512_RDM_SDK_v1.0\LPC111xSlave\src\startup_armcm0.s 118
Warning[25]: Label 'HardFault_Handler' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root D:\DMX512_RDM_SDK_v1.0\LPC111xSlave\src\startup_armcm0.s 123
Warning[25]: Label 'SVC_Handler' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root D:\DMX512_RDM_SDK_v1.0\LPC111xSlave\src\startup_armcm0.s 128
Warning[25]: Label 'PendSV_Handler' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root D:\DMX512_RDM_SDK_v1.0\LPC111xSlave\src\startup_armcm0.s 133
Warning[25]: Label 'Default_Handler' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root D:\DMX512_RDM_SDK_v1.0\LPC111xSlave\src\startup_armcm0.s 138
And also, I changed the target to my LPC now:
As a simple debugging procedure, I just added some lines to the code, to turn off and on the LEDs (not the traffic lights) and also a simple command to dim. With a multimeter and oscilloscope , I don´t see the PWM output.
That´s why I think it is not a problem with the firmware but in the way it is flashed or with the ROM addresses. Sorry, I´m new to LPC micros... I haven´t modified the .icf file, should it be done manually ?
Hi Thiago rodrigues,
Thank you for your updated information.
If you are a new to LPC micros, please find a debugger to test it, don't just download and check the functions.
I don't know what the board you are using, you can find a external JLINK debugger or LPC-LINK2 to debug your board with SWD interface.
Please do it at first, then enter debug mode, then we talk it in depth level.
Have a great day,
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Hello Kerry,
Sure, I´ll try to get one.
Since the original files were meant to be used with LPC1114, do you think it would be a good idea to replace the LPC1112 just as a test?
Hi Thiago rodigues,
LPC1112 should also works, from the application note, it also in the list.\
But when you choose the LPC1112, you also need to modify the .ld file, change the flash size, as you know, lpc1112 flash size is smaller than LPC114.
Besides, you really need to find a debugger to test it.
Have a great day,
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Hello Kerry,
I had to put this project on hold for months, and I finally got it working. DMX and RDM are working fine, but I wish the code would save the DMX address set via RDM so when the driver is powered off it wouldn´t reset it :smileysad:
The schematic of the board (LPC1112 and RS-485 isolator):