Can I have access to gerber files of the LPClink2 board ? (OM13054)
Can I have access to gerber files of the LPClink2 board ? (OM13054) ?

Sorry but the PCB design for this board belongs to Embedded Artists, who designed this board in collaboration with NXP.
Can you recommend any other ref project based on the same device with free available gerber files ?

Hi Mariusz,
are you looking for a reference of the debug probe or LPC4370? We use LPC432x devices as debug probe on our LPCXpresso V2 and V3 boards and can provide you with a gerber file for one of those. Those are flash based devices as opposed to the flashless LPC4370 of course.
If you need gerbers for an LPC4370 design I'm afraid we dont have anything currently available.
Hi Brendon
I’m looking for gerber files of a reference project based on the TFBGA-100 LPC4370
for customer who want’s to start an own pcb layout.
Best regards