Suggestions for KSDK Improvement

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Suggestions for KSDK Improvement

Senior Contributor I

In working with version 1.x of the KSDK, I ran into problems when I wanted to duplicate or clone a project for my own application. This was worked out and was described in How to move from a FRDM-K22F demo to a new application and some other submissions.


After starting with version 2.x, I ran into some of the same problems all over again. Remember that one objective is to be able to generate my own unique code for an application without modifying anything in the KSDK distribution. Another objective is to be able to place that code in a spot appropriate for VCS and not all VCS work the same way.

The attached document is a description of the problems I've found and a means of correcting them going forward.


In preparing this document, I went through the process on three different examples and will be doing more in the near future as I need the modules for my application. I am hesitant to post them at this time as they are still a work in progress. However, for anyone interested in continuing this effort with the intent of moving it into the KSDK architecture, I'll be glad to post the archive files as requested. The projects that I have done so far for the FRDMK22F are USB Device Virtual Com, USB Host MSD, and I2C. All have been run on the FRDM board and I will soon start modifying the code to run on my own board. However, the base effort described here will be placed in VCS and used as a starting point for other projects that have similar hardware but differing functionality.


I would also be interested in comments from other developers as to how they have handled this kind of problem.

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5 Replies

Senior Contributor I

After all this time, I finally have been able to try the Project Generator. I found it sadly lacking and still does not accomplish what I want. Sure it was able to generate a blank project with the appropriate files included, but it did not allow me to clone the example I needed. The list of supported ones was very short and disappointing. Also, even though I entered a file structure where I wanted the new project to appear, it still placed it in the default one!

So far the only thing that has worked as I need is described in the write-up that was posted at the start of this thread. Although there have been minor tweaks along the way, it still forms the foundation of my procedure.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi David,

there are two tools capable to create new KSDK projects:

(1) NewProjectWizard for SDK2.x Eclipse plugin in KDS

(2) SDK Project Generator, standalone tool

From your feedback it is not clear if you have used any of them. The first one is applicable to KDS only (available on the update site), the second is standalone can be used also for other IDEs (it is available on NXP web site for download). Both are capable to create standalone projects.

In KDS, all files are copied into Eclipse projects, so there shall be no issue to include the source files into VCS.

Regards, Marek

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Senior Contributor I

Hi Marek,

Sorry for not responding sooner. I have been tied up with converting some older programs from MQX to run under FreeRTOS on the new KSDK structure. Since I have not had the time, would you mind pointing me to appropriate resources for the tools that you mention? I will definitely take the time and pursue them from my viewpoint.

In the process of converting my programs, I have been able to work up a method of migrating projects as I suggested in my paper that did not involve the detail of following the procedure first mentioned in my post. It does have some problems that I would not want to pass on to someone not familiar with the project structure and thus needs more refinement. That is one of my motivations in seeing what others have done.

Having said that, I have been able to achieve one of my goals and that is to be able to add functionality by merely adding the appropriate modules and making slight modifications to the main.c file. At this point, I have USB-CDC, a system console, general I2C master support, and SPI master support. This constitutes about 75% of my current application. For me achieving this mas been a major milestone.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi David, here are URLs:

Using Kinetis Design Studio v3.x with Kinetis SDK v2.0 - Installing Kinetis SDK v2.0 New Project Wizard in Kinetis Design Studio

New Kinetis SDK Project Generator v2 is available!

Regards, Marek

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi David,

We are very glad for your valuable contribution.

I will pass it to our Development Team.

Thank you very much!

Kind Regards,


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