I am pretty new to this concept. Hopefully someone can help me,.
1. The chip i am using MK20DX256VLL10
2. The tool i am using is KDS3.0 with KSDK1.2 and PEx
3. I try to take a look at demo code but it is about program flash, not abou dataFlash/FlexNVM or EEEPROM.
I also looked at K20RM and AM4282. I think i understand the concept but the code that i made is still not working.
4. I tried to write this single feature on KDS2.0 + PEx to make sure i understand the concept. It works well.
Below are steps that I did:
Change the flash configuration of CPU
Add fsl_flash component from PEx
The C90TFS base address is 0x40020000 Program flash address: 0x00000000.
I found out at generated flash file, EEPROM and Dflash size is 0. I coudnt modify it.
I used the code below to try to write four bytes data into Dflash whose address is 0x10000000
It doesnt throw me error but i just couldnt read it back.
Could anyone spot anything wrong?
Original Attachment has been moved to: main.c.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: flash_mk20.zip
Hello Nan,
1. By default , the linker file do not include the FlexNVM memory define, so we need configure it by hand.
I see you have add it in the PE , please enable it :
2. Before program flash memory , please first erase it .
3. Please configure the 23 bit of flexNVM address you wan to operate to 1, you can see the information on the Reference manual :
page 649 ->
Hope it helps